Miami Heat: 50-1

Something seems different about the Miami Heat this season.
I’ve got it: Norris Cole fade is even more than it was last year, precisely squared off.
Oh LeBron James is not on the team which provides a decent-sized blow in 2014-15. That the Heat are now shots after incorporating as thick favorites this time one year ago.
Miami has Danny Granger, veterans Luol Deng and Josh McRoberts –three offseason improvements president Pat Riley would have preferred as James’ sidekicks, not replacements.
Chris Bosh will be a featured part of the offense now, and he’ll do his best to reprise the part. And Dwyane Wade will step back hoping his body holds up under the stress of increased responsibility.
It feels like the Heat have enough talent to stick around as a playoff team. However, if another 28 games nursing his knees are missed by Wade, those postseason dreams could evaporate.